Final Project

I cannot believe how fast this semester has flown by in Arts Bridge! I have learned so much through this internship and have been able to grow not only as a teacher, but as a person. To summarize all that we have accomplished this semester as a class, we were able to put together a final project based off of almost all of the lessons I have taught to Mr. Bawden's class.

For our final project, we divided the class into groups and each group was assigned to create a dance based off a lesson that we had experienced together this semester. I was also able to teach a short dance to the entire class for the last section of our final project. After being able to develop and practice the group dances and the class dance, we were able to perform all of our creations to Mrs. Jones's 4th grade class and they were able to perform their dances for us.

It was such an incredible experience to watch both classes perform and see how much they have grown this semester. I will never forget the dedicated and creative students I was able to teach and connect with this semester through Arts Bridge. I will miss them so much and I hope that they continue to nourish a love for kinesthetic learning. Thank you Arts Bridge, Mr. Bawden, Miriam Bowen (my mentor), and my students for such an amazing semester.


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